Glen's Career Highlights

  Top 20 Most Inspirational Business leaders 2021 
  Hull & EY/ Insider 42 Under 42 2023

Some of Glen's customer testimonials


Recently I found myself in the job market again. During this time, as is often the case with someone of a certain vintage, there’s a lot of courting from recruiters.

Recruiters often get a bad press, but those that work a little differently find themselves getting the results


I got to know Glen quite well over a period of a few months, during which he worked tirelessly to secure a number of interviews for me - often resurrecting opportunities that seemed to have already run their course. His ability to instil confidence in people is obviously a massive asset in keeping applications alive, from both sides. 

Bitesize Course Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcome #1

Do your prep - know who you are speaking to and why

Learning Outcome #2

Use lead gen information as part of your sell

Learning Outcome #3

Know when to shut up and listen. The 80/20 rule

Bitesize Course Breakdown