Build candidate talent pools and communities masterclass course

  Session #1 with Paul Church
  Session #2 with Marius Hurley-Bennett 

Who you're learning from in this course

Learn from recruiters who are in the trenches like you and work across different industries.
 Launched his own business offering talent acquisition as a service

Grew yearly net profit to 620k (£1.7 million in GP)

Paul Church

Successfully progressed to Director within four years at SR2 Recruitment

Marius Hurley-Bennett 

Masterclass Course Learning Outcomes

Session #1 Learning Outcomes

LO#1: How to identify what your market actually wants from a community

LO#2: How to approach people about getting involved with your community

LO#3: How to use your community to drive relationships & your candidate pipeline

Session #2 Learning Outcomes

LO#1: How to get started with your own meet-up group

LO#2: How to make your meet-up community different & unique

LO#3: How to leverage your meet-up community to positively impact your day to day

Masterclass Course Breakdown