How to consistently achieve candidate referrals masterclass course

  Session #1 with Richard Howell
  Session #2 with Josh White

Who you're learning from in this course

Learn from recruiters who are in the trenches like you and work across different industries.
Successfully launched his own recruitment business in 2021

Become a B Corp Business

Scaled to 6 people in two years

Richard Howell

Successfully scaled a business of 20+ in Chicago

Progressed his career from Associate to Manager in six years

Josh White

Masterclass Course Learning Outcomes

Session #1 Learning Outcomes

LO#1: You will walk away with different ways that you can impact candidate referrals

LO#2: How you can rethink your recruitment process to directly impact the number of candidate referrals you receive

LO#3: Interactive exercise that will help you think of additional ways you can add value to your candidates journey

Session #2 Learning Outcomes

LO#1: Why doubling down on your relationships will be the best way to get more candidate referrals

LO#2: The important factors to get right that will positively impact your candidate referrals

LO#3: When & how to ask for candidate referrals throughout the recruitment process

Masterclass Course Breakdown