How to consistently sell exclusivity masterclass course

  Session #1 with Jay Gurney
  Session #2 with Adam Dolman

Who you're learning from in this course

Learn from recruiters who are in the trenches like you and work across different industries.
Progressed to Director within five years

Jay Guney

Launched his own recruitment agency

Scaled the business to 20+

Adam Dolman

Masterclass Course Learning Outcomes

Session #1 Learning Outcomes

LO#1: Don't be naïve & understand if your work is actually on an exclusive basis
LO#2: You have to believe in working exclusively; otherwise, you won't sell it

LO#3: It's okay to not start working exclusive, but something we should all strive for

Session #2 Learning Outcomes

LO#1: Overcoming your limiting beliefs

LO#2: The importance of transparency with your client

LO#3: How to remove the pressure off yourself when working exclusive

Masterclass Course Breakdown